
3Mór: How we started with Valkyries and ended with a Goddess

I’ve had a few people ask how to say our company name 3Mór. But really Mór is short for the Mórrígan. When thinking about the values of our company, there are a few things that are top of mind.

  • We are better together. I believe that with my whole heart. Our differences in thought and experience make us stronger.
  • There is a predictiveness with how we work in tech — if you follow the thread you can see how “the fates” brought us to that point.
  • History is everything! Our past choices are what brought us to where we are today. Which isn’t a bad thing.

Sometimes I think we work too hard to forget how or why we got here. Almost ignoring the parts of our stack or history that are the workhorses, the warriors and the mistakes.

Alice and I are building a tool to provide those insights where once you see it, you can’t unsee it. It’s the holistic view of how your stack works and how the people work within it. It’s the threads of connection between team, code, and infrastructure. Just like those pesky threads of fate. Once you put all that together, the pool of potential names for our company becomes much smaller!

Initially we were going down the path of an Oracle or Valkyrie, but those were taken. The Mórrígan, she’s the best of both worlds. You can expect us to use crows, knitting or other related references from here on out.

The Mórrígan is one of the triple goddesses which made her an even better choice being we are focused on making the lives of our DevSecOps teams better.

Who are the three goddesses? Morrigu is the goddess of battle, Macha is the goddess of sovereignty, and Badb is the goddess of prophecy. There are many other interpretations of who the three are, with Nemain often switched for Morrigu. Nemain is the goddess of frenzy. For the purposes of company name, we went with the Morrigu interpretation. Although a goddess who is a bit of a berserker is fun reading.

As Alice and I assessed how to address the problem of vulnerability hell and reduce incidents, we realized that the problems of these three personas are deeply related. This is evident in all the movements from DevOps to DevSecOps to Shifting Left. We are doing this with a people-first approach. Focusing on reducing risk, reducing operational cost through strategic observability. Which centers the holistic quality of the stack (sovereignty), and proactively identifying and remediating problems based on the context of your stack (prophecy and battle). See? 3Mór. It makes sense.

About 3Mór

3Mór is an ops-centric tool that enhances security through strategic observability, automating the end-to-end upkeep of code and infrastructure while predicting future incidents and risks.

Email: info@3mor.io

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